Friday, April 25, 2014

State Testing


               Just thought I should state the obvious, but now why have I not written one is the real mystery. *Thoughtfully strokes invisible beard*
               I haven't written a blogpost, because State Testing is coming up! Yay. -_- I dislike state testing very much because it is ridiculously easy. I take 2 advanced classes and 2 horizon classes which means I am classifies as a "smart kid". I do like to think of myself as relatively smart, but I guess to the state of Georgia I am a genius. State testing or Standardize testing has never been something I worry about. I have never had any problems with it I have always exceeded every subject every year that I have taken it so I have nothing to worry about..... right?
      This year I am incredibly worried about the "Social Studies" section of the test. This year I was put into American Government which is a class a year above me so my teacher taught me all of the things I would need to know for next year first. DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ANYONE? We are SEVEN LESSONS BEHIND SEVEN. The Social Studies test is in a week. I have been studying so much for that test. The rest of them I am not worried about Reading, Language Arts, Math, Science are all easy, but considering I haven't learned half of the material for Social Studies I am a bit anxious. Now the thing is it isn't like this is about the Civil war and Islamic Religions OH NO IT IS ABOUT THE HISTORY OF GEORGIA. If it was about the Civil War I could watch some Crash Course videos on it banda bing banda boom I'm good to go, but no of course it has to be strictly about Georgia. Hopefully the test will be ridiculously easy and I will pass with flying colors.
      Maybe I am worrying about it for nothing but I am definitely going to try my best on it. I NEED TO EXCEED.
      The only thing I don't like about State Testing is that you can't read after it. So, on each test there are two parts. When you get done with the first part you can't go on you have to wait until the timer goes off and then you can do the second section. The thing that sucks is you can't read after the first section. After you shut your book when you are done with the second section you may read but you can not open you booklet for the test again.
            Wish me good luck!! :D

My emotions this week summed up in one picture. 

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