Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kid's Television Shows

    I have been on Spring Break this week which means I have to watch daytime television. Daytime television consisits of bad sitcoms and children's shows. I always keep my television on Nickelodeon because at night I watch Full House and Friends so I never have a reason to change the channel, because those are the literally the only shows I watch on television. Everything else I watch is on Netflix or on live streams and such. Every morning when I wake up Dora the Explorer is on and I did not realize how terrible it was when I watched it as a child. I liked the original opening to Dora better than the new one. Watch them in comparison here: Old Intro  and New Intro (both will open in a new tab). SERIOUSLY LIKE WHAT IS THIS NEW CRAP. COULD YOU NOT. I am not saying the old intro was fantastic by any means, but it is better than this stupid thing. Another show I strongly dislike is Wallykazam. IT IS A SHOW ABOUT A MONSTER WITH A MAGIC WAND. It is probably the worst "magic" wand in the world. It can only create things with words that start with certain letters. The letters are different each day, but it is so stupid. Do kids actually enjoy this? Wallykazam.  My favorite television shows as a child were Blue's Clues and CatDog. I only like the Blue's Clues episodes with Steve like Joe is just bad. NO ONE WILL EVER BE AS GOOD AS STEVE. I use to tell my parents that Steve went off to college, but I wished he would come back so Joe would leave. I hated Joe from the start, I was the first one who hated Joe. 0MG HIPSTER ALERT. Seriously though, I dislike him, strongly. I don't understand why people were so surprised when they found out Blue was a girl. In the theme song the kids say, "There she is!" when Steve asked if they have seen his puppy. Did they not listen to the theme song? GEEZ PEOPLE PAY ATTENTION. Blue's Clues Theme Song. Something I don't like about new Blue's Clues episodes is that Blue talks now. She is a puppy she never talk before and now she goes into a magical book and has a talking chalk board and a talking puppy friend. Why do children's shows get changed and messed up. I don't see a problem with keeping children shows how they were originally. Kids are kids they will all like the same thing. They wonder why kids are so messed up it is because of the crap television shows. I am not a #TrUe90sKiD because I am not I was born in 2000 so I don't have any recollection of the 90's and I am okay with that. I feel like if I was born in a different time period I would be different from how I am now. I do like myself and how I am now. The people of my generation aren't too.... fantastic, but it makes me more swaggy B| These are just my thoughts on children's television shows. If you have any shows you would like to complain about we an complain together. <3 Tweet me @AliciaRawks12 if you would like to chat.  Talk to you cool cats tomorrow.

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