Monday, March 31, 2014

Sleep deprivation

      I am on a kind of vacation, I wouldn't really call it vacation but I am visiting family and it is 5:32 am as I am writing this and I am like dying. I haven't seen this part of my family in about a year, but I got here yesterday and I just want to go home. I didn't sleep well the night before my dad and I left on our trip (4 hour car ride), I didn't sleep in the car and I went to sleep at 12 am and woke up at around 3:20 am. So, at first I was like oh I can go back to sleep no problem.
      Then I was like what about if I get on twitter just for a few minutes.... I can open up tumblr... Oh man I could watch an episode of Breaking Bad right now! So now I have been on the internet for 3 hours and I don't exactly know how I feel. I have slept about 6 hours in the past 48 hours so my brain is acting like a diseased frog. Literally I tried to take a drink early and my arm was like NOPE and I spilled it all over me. I had to go into the room my dad was asleep in and get a new shirt and clean the couch, because I spilled soda everywhere. *slow clap*
          I think one of the main reasons I can't sleep is because everything is really dark. I am not particularly afraid of the dark but when I just lay in the blackness of the night I get freaked out. Like no. The wind has been howling all night as well which is keeping me awake, because the relatives I am staying with, aunt and uncle, have a screen door, before their front door and it keeps like beating the side of the house. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW NO ONE HAS WOKEN UP. My dad did once actually. He went to the bathroom and he didn't see that I was awake then he walked out of the bathroom and was like, "You know it is 4 am?" All I said was "Thank you, I didn't notice." Then he went back to bed.
        Also, my uncle and my dad are both snoring. The rooms are on both sides of me one to the left the other to the right and they are both snoring very loudly. My dad normally has a machine that he wears so he can breathe better while he is asleep, so I am not really use to hearing the loud snoring noise. Obviously he couldn't bring the machine with him, because that would have been a problem.
          THE COUCH. Jesus Christ the couch. That is probably a HUGE reason why I can't sleep. This couch is so uncomfortable, I don't have an actual pillow either. It is one of those huge couch pillows that are like, "Awww, it is so pretty." Then you try to use it and are like, "This is a hard marshmallow of death."
           Something I would like to add to this is when I went to the bathroom, I flushed the toilet and it was like a plane taking flight. I literally cringed the whole time I was washing my hands. All I said was, "Nope, nope, nope." Then when I was walking to and from the bathroom I felt like I was stomping around, even though I wasn't.  
        I know I am complaining and blah blah blah, but literally I am so tired, but I almost don't want to sleep? I guess, because when you are visiting family for only two days you HAVE to see everyone. Considering it will probably be another whole year until I see them again, I can't just spend time locked away and be like don't talk to me or I will kill you. I think not sleeping is my recharge. At night everyone is asleep so no one will talk to me or bother me, so being awake at night where I am comfortable seems to work out well. Until I have to wake up early and visit all of my family and it isn't like I can go home and take a nap. There is always company and relatives who are like, "What do you want to with your life?" The night time being awake is like my recharge, if that makes any sense. I do love my family and I want to spend time with them, but this is more socializing than I am use to I guess, so I feel a bit uncomfortable. I am still very glad to see them, but if not sleeping is the price I pay to visit them, I think I will be okay for another two days.
Sitting in the dark abyss that is my Uncle's house. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Speech Disaster

So on Tuesday in my English class we had to present a speech about "The Importance of Healthy Living" now this wasn't a topic I was very passionate about. Personally I feel like we could have discussed something more important such as bullying, world hunger, self harm, something else. For some reason healthy living is WAY more important than topic such as these to our standards which is a bit upsetting. As you can see this wasn't something I was passionate about, thus writing about didn't come easy to me. I felt like I was lying by saying "Healthy living should be a number one priority to the government blah blah blah" because that isn't true, in my opinion, at all. We had two days to present these, Tuesday and Wednesday, my name was called on Tuesday and I got choked up and told my teacher I couldn't do it. She told me don't worry you will be okay and don't worry about everyone else, but I couldn't find my voice it has disappeared from me. The first word on my paper was "when". I literally had forgotten how to say it my face was flushed, my lip was trembling, and the rest of my body was quaking. She said, "Do you want to just do it tomorrow?" I nodded my head and quickly sat down, then when I sat down I started to cry. It wasn't like a violent sob it was more like a silent tear roll down the cheek kind of thing, it was like I was in a dramatic movie. I felt like everything should be in black and white with Sarah Mclachlan singing in the back ground. Nobody really said thing about it except for my friends who were like, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?" It was really awkward as she went alright someone else want to give there speech. I gave my speech the next day and it wasn't really that bad... I did end up getting an 81 on the speech. -_- I had "little to no eye contact and people strained to hear me" which is so not true. I did talk very kind of loudly. I could hear me they could hear me she was just be mean.... not really but still. She said the speech was well written and she liked it and blah blah blah. I am still upset about the 81. I guess it is okay, I am glad I didn't just take a zero on it, that would have brought my grade down terribly. Public speaking is like a cruel punishment for me.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Break

Today was the last day before Spring Break so now I am official on Spring break. It doesn't feel like Spring to me, but I will gladly take a week off of school. I do enjoy breaks just as much as the next guy, but we have missed so many days of school this year due to frigid temperatures, ice, and snow we now go to school twenty minutes longer each day until the end of the school year which is technically the twenty-third of May, but the last two days aren't full days they are for students who have to take finals. If you don't miss a certain amount of days and have specific grades you don't have to take finals and you are rewarded with two extra days off school. Anyways back to Spring break, is Spring suppose to be capitalized? Are seasons suppose to be capitalized? One second I am going to look it up. No seasons are not capitalized. Alright so fun fact of the day don't capitalize seasons. I am not going to go back and change all of the capital "S" to a lower case "s". Yes okay so now this week was a relatively easy week of school. English Test, Science Test, Science Quiz, Math Test and quiz and a HUGE final Unit test in American government. That was fun, but today we literally did nothing in all of my classes except for Science which is where we took the test. Oh I also forgot to mention the speech we had to give in my Language class. I will make a blog post tomorrow and talk about the speech I had to give now on to spring break. On the last day, today, we had a pep rally and Eight grade won. WOOOOOHOOOOO TAKE THAT YOUNGER KIDS IN YOUR FACE WE WIN. I mean it was fun.... So now it is spring break and I am going out of town and I don't know if I will have internet so that is terrifying. My father and I are visiting my aunt and uncle who live in Kentucky and I know they have internet, but I don't know if they have their wifi set up. We are leaving like Sunday night? I think he still hasn't decided. Then,  I am literally doing nothing for the rest of the week which I am perfectly fine with. 0MFG SpRiNg BrEaK 2k14!1!!1!!1!1 ..... -_-

Monday, March 24, 2014

Ceiling Spider

I am not a morning person so I take showers at night, thus being able to sleep more in the morning. While taking a shower tonight I noticed something moving on the ceiling. It was a spider. I literally felt my heart drop. I am terrified of anything and everything that crawls. Before someone is like, "What about babies you can't be afraid of babies and blah blah blah." Okay babies can be terrifying if they aren't there at the right time, like spiders. Without spiders there would be an insect problem so humans benefit from spiders in the spring and summer. If babies are there when there when they don't need to be they can like destroy your life. What benefits do babies have? Repopulating? Don't we have enough people in the world? Anyway what I am saying is there is a time and place for spiders. In my bathroom while I am showering at 10:00 p.m is neither the time nor place for this spider. The reason this spider caught my attention I believe is because it was red. Like a spawn of Satan or something. So, when I saw the spider I had no idea what to do so I thought throw water at it and maybe it will like die or something. Well I thought I hit it, but turns out it was difficult to see the spider due to the wet patches on the ceiling. So I saw it again and this time I hit the spider and it fell to the floor. Now the idea that hitting the spider with water would knock it down to the ground didn't even cross my mind at the time of throwing the water or splashing the water. I opened the curtain and guess who I saw, the demon spider floating up on its web. Of course I grabbed the shampoo bottle and threw it at the spider......I missed. Then I took the conditioner and pounded the bottle on top of the spider and this didn't kill it, because the bottom of the bottle was rounded inward. I proceeded to smear the spider across the floor. I was still freaking out thinking it would come back to life and kill me or something so I rushed to get dressed and putting on a bra while your skin is still wet is probably the most difficult thing in the world. Now I will think about the story by H.P Lovecraft, "The Curse of Yig" were if you hurt one of Yigs' children (snakes) everyone you love will be killed and you will turn into a human snake thing. Instead of snakes they are spiders. I am terrified to walk around though. I feel like a spider will be on my foot and bite me and I will die. I barely brushed some clothes lying on my floor with my foot and nearly had a heart attack. Moral of the story. Spiders are like babies, terrifying.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I'm back

      So I quit blogging, because I disliked what I was doing. This blog is now going to be a more of a "just for the hell of it" blog thing. It has been months since I have been on here, it is like foreign ground almost. School is almost over for me the 21st of May is my last day or the 23rd depending on if I take finals and I could not be more relieved. In all honesty I quiet enjoy school learning new things and actually having something to do, without school I would probably be watching Youtubers all day and eating which isn't healthy. The thing about school I dislike is the people. I have never been bullied in particular, people obviously try to get under my skin because they are stupid, but I ignore them. I think it is the ignorance of my peers that really gets to me. They seem to think that the whole entire world revolves around them. In math class there is a person particular who I swear just can't shut his mouth for two seconds. Math isn't my strong suit although I am in the "advanced" class I still struggle with math. So, while the teacher is showing us how to do ridiculously long algebra problems I can't hear her, because an idiot's vocal cords are working. I just want to take my math book and beat him with it multiple times. I wouldn't do that, because I am terrified of confrontation. If I could hit him and not get in trouble for it I would.... multiple times. Me saying things like this doesn't make me look very mature I am aware, but I just can't stand how these people act. I have very few friends, because I can actually have a conversation with these people without wanting to beat them with something. I know I am not the only one who feels like this. That is it for this update I don't really have much else to say so I will talk to you guys soon.