Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Break

Today was the last day before Spring Break so now I am official on Spring break. It doesn't feel like Spring to me, but I will gladly take a week off of school. I do enjoy breaks just as much as the next guy, but we have missed so many days of school this year due to frigid temperatures, ice, and snow we now go to school twenty minutes longer each day until the end of the school year which is technically the twenty-third of May, but the last two days aren't full days they are for students who have to take finals. If you don't miss a certain amount of days and have specific grades you don't have to take finals and you are rewarded with two extra days off school. Anyways back to Spring break, is Spring suppose to be capitalized? Are seasons suppose to be capitalized? One second I am going to look it up. No seasons are not capitalized. Alright so fun fact of the day don't capitalize seasons. I am not going to go back and change all of the capital "S" to a lower case "s". Yes okay so now this week was a relatively easy week of school. English Test, Science Test, Science Quiz, Math Test and quiz and a HUGE final Unit test in American government. That was fun, but today we literally did nothing in all of my classes except for Science which is where we took the test. Oh I also forgot to mention the speech we had to give in my Language class. I will make a blog post tomorrow and talk about the speech I had to give now on to spring break. On the last day, today, we had a pep rally and Eight grade won. WOOOOOHOOOOO TAKE THAT YOUNGER KIDS IN YOUR FACE WE WIN. I mean it was fun.... So now it is spring break and I am going out of town and I don't know if I will have internet so that is terrifying. My father and I are visiting my aunt and uncle who live in Kentucky and I know they have internet, but I don't know if they have their wifi set up. We are leaving like Sunday night? I think he still hasn't decided. Then,  I am literally doing nothing for the rest of the week which I am perfectly fine with. 0MFG SpRiNg BrEaK 2k14!1!!1!!1!1 ..... -_-

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