Friday, April 4, 2014

TLC Shows

   If you didn't see yesterday on Twitter I live tweeted Extreme Cheapskates and Extreme Couponing. I watched six episodes of Extreme Couponing and the episodes are 30 mins long so you can do the math and see how much time I wasted yesterday. The worst part about watching these shows is I don't know how to react to them. These people are so smart though. They plan out everything, they a map of the store, know what is in each aisle, add up costs. I mean it is easy to say these people are crazy, but if you think how much time goes into this they are dedicated. They can be crazy and dedicated. WHO NEEDS HUNDREDS OF DIAPERS AND DOESN'T HAVE A CHILD? Why why why. They have stock piles of cereal, chips, soap, paper towels if there was ever an apocalypse these people would survive for years. The only TLC shows that really freak me out is Horders and My Strange Addiction. They both just gross me out. The people from Extreme Couponing and Horders are similar, but the people in Extreme Couponing are actually going to use those things and they are organized. In Horders they are just keeping things that are old and broken that they will never ever use. My Strange Addicition is something that probably grosses everyone out honestly. Who would be discussed by someone who drinks their own urine or eats couch cushions. Least favorite TLC show by far is Here comes Honey Boo Boo. I am sorry if that is one of your favorite shows, but I just don't like it. It is kind of like Duck Dynasty. It is hard to believe that some of these shows are real. You can't blame people for being skeptical of these shows. Literally who eats dry wall or chalk? These shows may be fake, but they are entertaining.

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